Growing for Future Generations
With 184 years of celery research and development, our promise to responsibly harvest the freshest quality produce while reducing our environmental footprint continues today, just as our founders envisioned.
Land Utilization
By investing in Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology, we've constructed exact calculations of field sizes and locations to optimize vegetable growth. We only use non-GMO plantlets that thrive in high plant populations to reduce our land use and increase the quality of our crops.
Water Conservation
We are dedicated to being environmentally responsible in our water conservation efforts on our farms and in our processing facilities. In fact, we’ve reduced our on-farm applied water by 30% through implementing cutting-edge irrigation saving technologies nationwide.
Agricultural Chemical Use
As early adopters of integrated pest management practices, we've witnessed the benefits of insects to naturally reduce plant pests. Since the 1950s, we have used professional, licensed "scouts" and "pest control advisors" to guide our farmers with agricultural best practices.
Laser Leveling
Laser leveling has had a positive effect with respect to water distribution and water conservation, minimizing environmental impacts from run-off and poor drainage, and has increased the uniformity and yields of our crops.